Board of Directors
DNK is subject to supervision by the Financial Supervisory of Norway. Governance principles are specified in the Associations Articles and guidelines. The Board of Directors constitutes the Risk Committee, Audit Committee and the Renumeration Committee.
Board of Directors
Mons Aase - DOF Group ASA, Chair
Synnøve Seglem - Knutsen OAS Shipping AS, Vice-Chair
Carl K. Arnet - BW Energy Ltd.
Eli Vassenden - Grieg Star AS
Marthe Romskoug - Wilhelmsen Insurance Services AS
Christopher Walker - Frontline Management AS
Lars Aa. Løddesøl - Storebrand ASA
Eric Jacobs - Awilco AS
P.O. Box 1464 VIKA 0116 Oslo Norway
Rådhusgata 25 0158 Oslo