In a constantly changing geopolitical landscape, future threats define our course of action today

Insured Units
3 311
Our purpose is to protect Norwegian maritime assets against extreme incidents such as war, terror, piracy and cyberattacks.
DNK was founded in 1935 by forward-looking members of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association. Since then, our business has been deeply rooted in the history and competence of the Norwegian maritime community.
Through our market-leading maritime war risks insurance cover and loss prevention services, we aim to increase resilience, financial stability and competitive strenght of our Members' operations.
DNK insurance products and services are developed in close collaboration with our Members to ensure optimal fit with their current and future business needs. We also invest heavily in technology and digital solutions to make our services future-proof.
Our organization is designed to deliver the competence, capacity and knowhow that is required to help our members understand, prevent and manage crises and emergency situations.
War Risk Cover
DNK offers a comprehensive war risks cover on the basis of the Nordic Marine Insurance Plan NMIP.
Our standard policy includes hull and machinery, loss of hire, owner's liability (P&l) and occupational injuries caused by war perils.
When all conventional insurance automatically terminates, DNK's unique Major Powers War cover continues to provide vital protection to Norwegian shipping and public interests